Exemptions and relief

The Alberta Securities Act (the Act) and the regulations contained therein include several requirements applicable to firms and individuals. Under section 213 of the Act, affected individuals and entities can apply for relief from meeting applicable requirements; the Alberta Securities Commission is authorized to grant relief from any requirements created by or under the Act.

A prospective applicant is responsible for determining whether relief should be sought and seeking legal advice if required. Some exemptions do not need an application if the conditions of the exemption are met. In other cases, the ASC has discretion to grant an exemption from any registration requirement if registration is required but specific circumstances indicate that it is not otherwise necessary for investor protection or market integrity. 

This page will describe three different types of relief that are available in the securities regime:

  1. Relief is available without application if a party meets all the criteria listed in the Act and regulations.
  2. Relief from the registration proficiency requirements that must be applied for through the NRD; and
  3. Discretionary relief from all other requirements.

The fees associated with seeking each type of exemptive relief are set out in ASC Rule 13-501 Fees.

Exemption without application
Exemption applications on the NRD
Discretionary relief application