Executive Management

Stan Magidson Chair and Chief Executive Officer

Stan Magidson
Chair and Chief Executive Officer

Office of the Chair and Executive Officer

The Chair and Chief Executive Officer is responsible for representing the ASC, addressing emerging issues in securities regulation, and leading the ASC in strategic planning and achieving its organizational objectives. The Chair has direct oversight responsibilities for the Communications and Investor Education division and the offices of the Executive Director and the General Counsel. The Chair is appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council and reports to the Members and to the Minister of Finance.

Samir Sabharwal General Counsel

Samir Sabharwal
Executive Director

Office of the Executive Director

The Executive Director reports to the Chair and Chief Executive Officer, is the ASC’s Chief Administrative Officer, and is responsible for ensuring that all business divisions of the ASC operate effectively and efficiently. The Executive Director is responsible for directly overseeing the divisions of Corporate Finance, Enforcement, Market Regulation, Information Technology, Human Resources and Corporate Services, the Office of the Chief Accountant, Financial Services, and Advanced Research and Knowledge Management. The Executive Director also participates in meetings of the ASC’s Human Resources and Audit committees, and chairs the Senior Management and Strategic Planning committees. Pursuant to the Securities Act (Alberta), the Executive Director has statutory decision-making authority for specified matters, including registration, receipts for prospectuses and in relation to investigations and hearings.

Brian Banderk, Chief Accountant, Office of the Chief Accountant, ASC

Brian Banderk
Chief Accountant
Office of the Chief Accountant

The Office of the Chief Accountant (OCA) provides expert knowledge in accounting, auditing and financial reporting matters to the Commission Members, the Chair, the Executive Director and ASC staff. The OCA also provides guidance to issuers, registrants and their advisers in those areas of expertise, as it relates to securities regulation. In addition, the OCA interacts regularly with Canadian and international standard setters, oversight bodies, other regulators, and professional bodies related to its areas of expertise. This division is involved in policy initiatives that relate to accounting, auditing, and financial reporting and provides training as needed to the professional accountants within the organization.

Cynthia J. Campbell Director, Enforcement

Cynthia J. Campbell
Director, Enforcement


The Enforcement division enforces Alberta securities laws by discovering, investigating and prosecuting breaches of those laws with a view to both stopping current misconduct and preventing it in the future. This division’s goal is to protect investors and foster the integrity of Alberta’s capital market through deterrence, disruption and accountability. It engages in proactive, fair and visible enforcement action locally and collaborates with the Commission’s compliance divisions, other securities regulators, and Canadian and foreign police services.

Ryan Clements, Director, Advanced Research and Knowledge Management

Ryan Clements
Director, Advanced Research and Knowledge Management

Advanced Research and Knowledge Management

The Advanced Research and Knowledge Management division supports the ASC’s mandate by leading a data analytics program that supports data-driven, evidence-based, policy, operational, and business decisions. It leads the development of an education and training program that is unique to the ASC, focused on the skills and knowledge needed in a securities regulatory environment. The division also serves as an expert internal resource for updates, research, and analysis on existing, increasing and emerging risks that require regulatory responses, and considers the impact of innovation in capital markets through technology testing.

Alex Conac, Chief Financial Officer

Alex Conac
Chief Financial Officer

Financial Services

The Financial Services division is responsible for effective internal control over financial reporting, enterprise risk management programs, annual budget preparation, fee rule (13-501) administration, coordination of risk management processes, automation of financial and reporting processes, and accurate and timely financial reporting to senior management, Commission Members and the Minister of Finance.

Melinda Drewe, Director, Human Resources & Corporate Services

Melinda Drewe
Director, Human Resources and Corporate Services

Human Resources and Corporate Services

The Human Resources and Corporate Services division provides specialized support that enables employees and management to effectively fulfill the ASC’s mandate. The division is focused on the development and implementation of high-quality strategies, programs and policies that are aligned with the ASC’s strategic and operational initiatives. Corporate Services’ core functions include purchasing, security, business continuity, health and safety, facility management and records management. Human Resources includes the areas of recruitment, compensation, benefits management, performance management, learning and development and employee relations.  

Benny Leveille

Benny Leveille
Chief Information Officer

Information Technology

The Information Technology division is responsible for the operational and strategic management of technology services that enables the ASC to fulfill its mandate. It is responsible for the development, implementation, training and management of information systems across the organization.

Hilary McMeekin, Director, Communications & Investor Education

Hilary McMeekin
Director, Communications and Investor Education

Communications and Investor Education

The Communications and Investor Education division provides strategic communications counsel and support to all areas of the ASC. We work to engage and inform employees, investors, and market participants in a manner that encourages a fair and efficient capital market and meets the organization’s objectives. The division’s award-winning CheckFirst.ca website, materials and ongoing consumer education are focused on providing Albertans with relevant and timely information about investing and how they can protect themselves from investment fraud. Through various communications strategies and channels, our mission is to promote transparent, relevant and timely information to support intelligent securities regulation and investor protection in Alberta and throughout Canada.

Katrina Prokopy, General Counsel

Katrina Prokopy
General Counsel

Office of the General Counsel

The General Counsel reports to the Chair and oversees the Office of the General Counsel (OGC). The OGC is the in-house legal, policy, strategy and risk management resource for the ASC. The OGC provides legal advice to the Commission Members, the Chair, the Executive Director and staff on a wide range of matters, including those relating to securities regulatory policy, administrative law, corporate law and novel issues intersecting with securities laws. In addition, the OGC is responsible for the corporate secretarial and legislative functions, and provides advice on corporate governance matters and the application of Alberta’s privacy and access laws.

Lynn Tsutsumi Director, Market Regulation

Lynn Tsutsumi
Director, Market Regulation

Market Regulation

Market Regulation provides regulation to the Alberta capital market by developing and administering rules and policies relating to registrants (dealers, advisers and investment fund managers), equities and derivatives exchanges and clearing agencies, crypto asset trading platforms, trade repositories and self-regulatory organizations (SROs). Staff register market participants that are in the business of trading and advising in securities and derivatives and managing investment funds; perform compliance examinations of registrants; and review exemption applications. Staff recognize or exempt infrastructure entities doing business in the province, and SROs, and conduct oversight of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO), the TSX Venture Exchange, ICE-NGX Canada Inc. and trade repositories conducting business in Alberta.

Denise Weeres Director, New Economy

Denise Weeres
Director, Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance

The Corporate Finance division is engaged in the regulation of issuers (and their insiders) participating in the Alberta capital market, including both corporate issuers and investment funds raising money publicly or privately. This involves the development of rules and policy and the administration of them, i.e. reviewing offering documents, continuous disclosure documents, takeover bids and shareholder meeting matters, and insider and control person reporting. Staff make recommendations respecting discretionary exemptions from securities law and they are engaged in oversight of the TSX Venture Exchange. Specialized teams focus on priority issues such as “all things energy” (including oil and gas reserves/resource disclosure), environmental and governance disclosure, investment funds, M&A activity, and exploring ways to support capital formation and a competitive capital market in Alberta.