Self-Regulatory Organizations
Self-Regulatory Organizations
The Securities Act (Alberta) gives the ASC authority to recognize a self-regulatory organization (SRO). An SRO is an organization that represents its members and is organized for the purpose of regulating the operations, standards of practice, and business conduct of its members and their representatives. An SRO also promotes the protection of investors and the public interest through the establishment of rules that promote ethics and equality.
The SRO currently recognized by the ASC is the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO). On January 1, 2023, CIRO replaced and consolidated the functions of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA) and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) to provide enhanced regulation of the investment industry. It had temporarily been known as the New Self-Regulatory Organization of Canada.
- CIRO Recognition Order 06/01/2023
- MOU Regarding Oversight of CIRO 06/01/2023
- New SRO Recognition Order 01/01/2023
- MOU Regarding Oversight of the New SRO 01/01/2023
Investor Protection Funds
The Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF) is a compensation fund approved by the ASC. CIPF protects, within defined limits, the cash, securities and other property of eligible customers of investment and mutual fund dealers that are members of CIPF's sponsoring organization, in the event of such member's insolvency.
The current CIPF also replaced and consolidated the former Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation, effective January 1, 2023. The CIPF is independent of CIRO.
- CIPF Approval Order 01/01/2023
- MOU Regarding Oversight of CIPF 01/01/2023
ASC Registration Authorization Order and Revocation - CIRO 03/13/2025 |
Historical information
Click on a heading below to see the documents associated with the former SROs.
- Mutual Fund Dealers Association Discretionary Fund Approval Order 07/19/2022
- Mutual Fund Dealers Association Variation Order 04/01/2021
- MOU Regarding Oversight of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada 04/01/2021
- Oversight Review Report of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada 07/04/2018
- Mutual Fund Dealers Association Variation Order 04/12/2018
- Oversight Review Report of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada 09/15/2017
- Oversight Review Report of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada 11/18/2016
- Mutual Fund Dealers Association Recognition Order 11/6/2014
- MOU Regarding Oversight of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada 10/2/2013
- Oversight Review Report of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada 4/17/2013
- Oversight Review Report of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada 7/9/2010
- Mutual Fund Dealers Association Recognition Order 12/5/2008
- ASC Staff Notice 12/5/2008
- CSA Joint Notice and Request for Comment - MFDA Application to Amend its Recognition Orders and the Definition of “Public Director” in By-law No. 1 5/23/2008
- MFDA Application for Amendment and Restatement of Recognition Order 5/23/2008
- MFDA Proposed Amendments to the Recognition Order 5/23/2008
- MFDA By-Law No.1 Proposed Amendments (Blackline): Definition of Public Director 5/23/2008
- Oversight Audit Report - ASC Cover Letter 7/4/2006
- 2005 Oversight Audit Report 7/4/2006
- MFDA Response to 2005 Oversight Audit Report 7/4/2006
- ASC Notice of consent for MFDA to enter into a Co-
operatvie Agreement with Québec regulators 5/20/2005 - Consent Order for MFDA to enter into a Co-operative Agreement with Québec regulators 5/20/2005
- Recognition Order 5/18/2004
- Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada 5/18/2004
- ASC 2004 MFDA Oversight Audit Report
- MFDA Response to ASC Audit Report
- IIROC Restricted Fund Approval Order 10/27/2022
- Oversight Review Report of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada 06/25/2021
- IIROC Variation Order 04/01/2021
- MOU Regarding Oversight of IIROC 04/01/2021
- Oversight Review Report of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada 08/05/2020
- Oversight Review Report of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada 04/18/2019
- Oversight Review Report of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada 04/26/2018
- IIROC Variation Order 04/12/2018
- Oversight Review Report of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada 07/04/2017
- Oversight Review Report of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada 03/03/2016
- Oversight Review Report of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada 12/04/2014
- Decision - Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) 4/10/2013
- Decision - Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) 4/5/2012
- 2009 CSA IIROC Oversight Review Report 4/1/2011
- IIROC Recognition Order Variation 6/28/2010
- IIROC Rules Notice
re: Best Execution 7/18/2008 - ASC Notice
re: Recognition of IIROC 5/30/2008 - Recognition Order Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) 5/30/2008
- Registration Authorization and Revocation Order (IIROC) 5/30/2008
- Memorandum of Understanding
re: IIROC 5/30/2008
IIROC History
Investment Dealers Association of Canada (IDA)
- Surrender of Recognition - Investment Association of Canada 3/27/2014
- Recognition Order Investment Dealers Association of Canada (IDA) 5/30/2008
- ASC 2006 Oversight Review: Investment Dealers Association of Canada, Prairie Regional Office 6/11/2007
- IDA Response to the 2006 ASC Oversight Review, Prairie Regional Office 6/11/2007
- Notice of IDA/CSA market survey on the regulation of fixed income markets 12/13/2002
- ASC 2003 IDA Oversight Audit Report
- IDA Response to ASC Audit Report
Market Regulation Services Inc. (RS)
- Surrender of Recognition - Market Regulation Services Inc. 3/27/2014
- Recognition Order Market Regulation Services Inc. (RS) 5/30/2008
- BCSC/ASC Audit of RS Inc.
Response of RS. Inc. to Audit
- Approval Order Effective 1/1/2021
- Memorandum of Understanding Effective 1/1/2021
- Notice of Termination of Memorandum of Understanding Effective 1/1/2021
- By-law Amendment Order 2/3/2012
- By-law Amendment Order 8/24/2010
- Approval Order 11/19/2008
- Memorandum of Understanding 9/30/2008
- MFDA IPC Approval Order Effective 1/1/2021
- MFDA IPC Memorandum of Understanding Effective 1/1/2021
- MFDA Investor Protection Corporation and Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada/ Association
canadienne des courtiers de fondsmutuels 5/14/2015 - RecMFDA 2006 IPC Approval Order 7/13/2006
- ASC Notice of 2006 MFDA IPC Amending Order 7/13/2006
- MFDA 2005 IPC Approval Order 5/20/2005
- Notice of Revised Application for approval of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association Investor Protection Corporation (MFDA IPC) (Comment period expires March 28, 2005) 2/25/2005
- Revised Application by the Mutual Fund Dealers Association Investor Protection Corporation (MFDA IPC) 2/25/2005
- Mutual Fund Dealers Association Investor Protection Corporation proposed
draft form of approval order 2/25/2005 - Notice of Application for Approval of Mutual Fund Dealers Association Investor Protection Corporation (MFDA) and Proposed Amendment to Section 28 of the Alberta Securities Commission Rules (General) 12/2/2002
- Application of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (("MFDA") and the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation/Corporation de Protection des
investisseurs de l'ACFM ("IPC") for approval, designation or consideration of the IPC as a protection plan 11/14/2002